
Podcasts for electricians

An electrician's inspiring innovation story
Jason Twyman, Electrician, Innovator, MD - Make Safe Connector

7th May,2020
ElectricianXChange Radio

- An electrician's inspiring innovation story

Have there been times at work when you've said to yourself - wouldn't it be better if - to a particular pain point, you and others around you have faced?

That pretty much is the start of creativity and innovation - towards something better - a new product or a process which addresses the pain point.

But how many of us take this though and convert that into a new product in our spare time, experiment with it till there is a solution, get a patent for it, determine the broader market for it and then try to earn some money from it? 

We've all got this within us - and here is a way to learn how someone else, in this case Jason Twyman, did it.

Have a listen to this great podcast on an electrician innovator and his journey.



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