Why A-Grades may be changing jobs?
In creating electricianXchange a question often asked is "I'm happy where I am - why do I need electricianXchange?"
And that is valid.
If you wake up in the morning and jump out of bed thinking of nothing else other than getting to work, loving what you do and treating your work as a hobby rather than as a job (where within a hobby you do it because you love it, not because someone else tells you to do it) then you do not need electricianXchange or any work changing mechanism.
But circumstances change - as it did with these A-Grades - with some where the industry they were in shrunk (the car manufacturing industry which started shifting overseas), where location became an issue with longer travel times involved, where variety of work was desired given boredom doing whatever they were doing before, where they were suddenly let go by their employer, where bosses / team mates were not aligning with their own personal likes/dislikes etc.
When circumstances change now or in the next 20-30 years of working life - you now know there is an option of liaising directly with employers via electricianXchange.
Have a listen to these A-Grades vis a vis why they changed jobs in their past - does any of this resonate with you?