electricianXchange has many work opportunities available for permanent, contract or casual work.
Here are the many A-Grade, REC, Employer, Apprentice reviews and some of the more recent ones are as under.
Below are some of the new things happening at electricianXchange:
- One of the largest EBA employers (one of the top five in the country) has signed a strategic relationship with electricianXchange, with them picking up project managers, project leads, A-Grades, Apprentices via electricianXchange.
- Several small 1-3 person RECs want to collaborate with other small 1-3 person RECs to grow their business to a critical size so as to be able to tender for larger domestic, industrial & commercial projects.
- A mid to large sized domestic/commercial electrical contracting business Melbourne based, is looking for several A-Grades who shows leadership skills for their various Victorian branches.
- A large solar company involved in contracting and retailing is looking for people who will lead their company into the future in things like clean energy initiatives, energy efficiency initiatives and solar installations for large commercial farms into the future - great salaries and incentives of up to $45,000 provided
- A mid sized HVAC electrical contractor is looking for cluey A-Grades & apprentices interested in pursuing their options
- A data and comms electrical contractor is looking for A-Grades and Sub-Contractors for their business
And many many more opportunities available and constantly coming is. It makes sense for employers / other RECs to use electricianXchange as a specialised work based market place for this industry, rather than going to generic job boards or recruiters which have not worked.
Those who create their work profiles can then liaise directly to these stakeholders who are looking for people just like you..
Here is how to do so.
electricianXchange works. Check it out by creating your profile. Its free, it works and here is how to get on to it - profile create