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The great Australian resignation - the electrician perspective

Over the past two years, many have been hesitant moving jobs or even moving from their low margin customers (if sub-contracting or self-employed).

If you're totally happy with everything, that's ok. Staying where you are.

But if there is any aspect of dissatisfaction, then this is the year to consider making a move. Because the signal is clear - we must live with COVID and anything else that gets thrown at us. Staying at home and stopping life is not an option.

The market has opened up - for new work opportunities, for new customers. So there has never been a better time to look for new work, to find new customers, to try out new things which work.

And electricianXchange works. The early adopters - the 450 or so A-Grades / Apprentices who have created their profiles on the site have seen alignment quickly between need and opportunity. You only have to see the list of the 450 and see the dots in red - being those who have found jobs - to see that this works.

electricianXchange has 14,898 A-Grades, apprentices, REC's, employers on our database - with whom we try and keep in touch with via calls, SMSs, emails and blogs like this. Individuals who have not yet created their profiles - and hence who are invisible to the many, many employers and opportunities proliferating this site.

If all or a significant majority came on board, the direct channelling between need and opportunity would eventuate. A market place without recruiters, labour hire companies, job boards has been created for the electrical niche through electricianXchange.

Let me give you an example of how this works.

If a Frankston, Victoria based A-Grade with industrial experience really enjoyed trouble-shooting & PLC related work and they put this down as their main motivator towards looking for new work on their profile. And then an employer with opportunities wanting someone to trouble shoot on older machines came using the search tool on electricianXchange, to find those in Frankston with industrial and trouble shooting experience - guess what would happen? An immediate fit - which could be further clarified by the two, through the free chat service via the platform.

Totally free for the person with the need (the jobseeker) and the cost of a job ad for the one with the opportunity (the employer) when everything aligns.

It works. Many have jumped on board. Why don't you give this a try? Go to and find your work spark again.

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