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Seek and cannot find - indeed!

As someone running electricianXchange where employers and electricians / apprentices come together WITHOUT going through jobs boards, I often hear that job boards don’t work.

Let’s try and understand the reasons why job boards don’t work.

Job boards are a generic, old-fashioned way of looking for work.

Generic because everyone is assessed as a tiny cog in a very large wheel. One among thousands of resumes submitted, one among those spot-on versus those totally irrelevant, one among those applying to relevant jobs versus those scatter-gunning their resume to every job ad there is, one among 20,000 employers each month advertising for electricians/apprentices. A factory production of widgets going in and widgets coming out.

Old fashioned because its something which started around 15 years back and made sense moving away from printed job ads in newspapers around then. 15 years does not seem long – but reflect that this was pre-Google days before technology allowed connectivity easily anytime, anywhere with checks and balances able to be put in place using technology.

Is it any wonder then that most discussions with electrical contractors / employers results in them conveying that job boards do not work? And in talking to hundreds of electricians/apprentices when I ask the question “do job boards work” the answer is the same – resumes go into a black hole, and no one knows where they are in the employment cycle.

electricianXchange uses technology to create one fishing pond where the fish and the fishermen/women (by speciality) come together and liaise with each other directly. No recruiters, labour hire companies or job boards involved. Just a direct channel. Employers liaise with jobseekers through a Google map depiction of those available (green) and those currently unavailable) being able to liaise with each other via SMSs / emails on everything to do with the recruiting process. Free for the jobseeker and the cost of a job ad to be introduced for the employer when everything aligns with 2 ref checks and a credit note should the alignment not crystallise. What to know more? Go to

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