Want to know how to use this platform?
If you are being bullied at work firstly talk to the person who is leading the business - so the owner of the business if its a small business or a team leader / site manager / project manager if it is a larger business (unless it is the owner or those in charge who are the perpetrators).
Explain to them that anything on an occassional basis is tolerable; but having this happen regularly is having an effect on your mental health and your ability to function properly within the workplace. Start creating a journal of how often this is happening with dates, what is happening, who is doing this, your raising this with the owner / team lead - so if you have to recall this it is based on documented journal entries.
Also talk to your Apprenticeship Support Officer at your TAFE, talk to your teacher at the TAFE, talk to your parents and those you trust as internalising this and keeping this to yourself is not great from a mental health perspective.
Here is guidance from Fair Work Australia on what you can do - see https://www.fwc.gov.au/issues-we-help/bullying/what-do-if-youre-bullied-work
Also see guidance from Australian Human Rights Commission at https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/employers/workplace-bullying-violence-harassment-and-bullying-fact-sheet
And to make a complaint about workplace bullying to the Australian Human Rights Commission - see https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/complaint-information-service/complaints-information-young-people