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We do not have a jobs board any more. Instead electricianXchange enables jobseekers to create their work profile / resume with their dates of availability, the rates they are after, with experience details listed on the platform which the employer then selects via a search facility.
Once both parties agree on all aspects including dates of availability and rates, you as the jobseeker get introduced to the employer with reference checks being commenced by electricianXchange based on referee details provided.
In this way its a more efficient way of finding work whether its on a permanent, sub-contract, part time or casual basis.
We do not have a jobs board any more. Instead electricianXchange enables jobseekers to create their work profile / resume with their dates of availability, the rates they are after, with experience details listed on the platform which you as the employer then selects via a search facility.
Once both parties agree on all aspects including dates of availability and rates, you get introduced to the jobseeker with reference checks being commenced by electricianXchange based on referee details provided by the jobseeker.
In this way its a more efficient way of finding work whether its on a permanent, sub-contract, part time or casual basis.
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Your work availability has been turned off. Any questions please email info@electricianxchange.com or call 1300 353 364.
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What do you enjoy doing ( five things which describe what you love doing most)
Share your current role and career path to date - discuss key tasks and duties of your current role if you have an apprenticeship already
Share your own experiences at TAFE - what you enjoy and what you don't and for what you don't can anything be done about it?
How can you balance TAFE studies with your apprenticeship job? How did the Mentor manage that?
How can you make the most of TAFE?
Are there any clubs / societies at TAFE or local Meet Up Groups which could make TAFE or work easier through the joining of these clubs or meet up groups? What would the mentor recommend?
What do you find challenging about TAFE or work - and how did the mentor handle this or suggest you handle this?.
Discuss your expectations from future career paths you are interested in. Are these reasonable or unreasonable expectations? And why?
Discuss what it takes to specialise in areas the mentor has had experience in?
What are the growth prospects and career opportunities in areas the mentor has had experience within?
What are the industry trends and areas experiencing growth through what the mentors knows about the industry and roles they have undertaken to date?
How can you as a mentee best reach those goals - if the mentor were to be in the mentee's shoes?.
What are some potential alternate career pathways?
What can the mentee do if they are unsuccessful in obtaining an internship offer?
Could the mentor share their experience of having obtained their first job?
How did the mentor transition from TAFE Into a full-time electrician position?
Are there any tips and insights on the best way to write a CV and prepare for job Interviews?
How would the mentor suggest looking to applying for Internships in future?
Can the mentor share their day-to-day experiences of their working life including how many hours they work, how demanding their role is and its major challenges & benefits
How does the mentor manage work-life balance - especially for women looking to having children
Are workplaces open to some flexibility?
How would the mentors approach motherhood?
What arrangements need to be in place towards being able to take maternity leave?
Would the mentor suggest being a member of any professional associations In your field?
How would the mentor suggest dealing with conflict?
What is a good way to ask for feedback from an employer?
When should the mentee raise with the employer just how little electrical work they are doing - and how would the mentor suggest this is approached with the employer?
How would the mentor suggest you deal with criticism (constructive or not?)
Discuss the importance of maintaining networks - and how does the Mentor propose you can do this?.
How has networking assisted the mentor in their career? Could any examples be provided?
What does the mentor classify as effective networking?
What are some of the essential skills required to network successfully?
What should you do after meeting someone following a networking event?
How can you leverage a platform like electricianXchange?.
How to handle conscious or unconscious bias in the workplace?
What challenges do women face within the work place - and how would the mentor propose handling this?
How to speak up and communicate effectively - and what techniques can mentors suggest to get better at this?
How to develop your own personal branding - have the mentors does this? Are there any thoughts in terms of how this can be done?