Under the new version, you will be identified by a "User Name" of 6 characters so that your privacy is preserved at all times. Additionally communication with you will be maintained through SMS's to a nominated mobile number. Please enter a "User Name" and a "Mobile Number" before being able to proceed using this platform.
Your request is being processed and redirected. Please do not exit from this screen.
You are signed in as an Employer. This section is unavailable while you are signed in as an Employer.
We do not have a jobs board any more. Instead electricianXchange enables jobseekers to create their work profile / resume with their dates of availability, the rates they are after, with experience details listed on the platform which the employer then selects via a search facility.
Once both parties agree on all aspects including dates of availability and rates, you as the jobseeker get introduced to the employer with reference checks being commenced by electricianXchange based on referee details provided.
In this way its a more efficient way of finding work whether its on a permanent, sub-contract, part time or casual basis.
To create your work profile / resume click here.
We do not have a jobs board any more. Instead electricianXchange enables jobseekers to create their work profile / resume with their dates of availability, the rates they are after, with experience details listed on the platform which you as the employer then selects via a search facility.
Once both parties agree on all aspects including dates of availability and rates, you get introduced to the jobseeker with reference checks being commenced by electricianXchange based on referee details provided by the jobseeker.
In this way its a more efficient way of finding work whether its on a permanent, sub-contract, part time or casual basis.
To view profiles of those available click here.
You are exiting without saving your work. If you do so, you will lose the information entered already. To save, click the SAVE button at the bottom of this screen. You can always revert back to this page to finish this section if you SAVE your work now.
Your work availability has been turned off. Any questions please email info@electricianxchange.com or call 1300 353 364.
Please create your Work Details profile before turning this toggle button on.
Want to know how to use this platform?
Lifeline is Australia’s leading suicide prevention service. Lifeline exists so that no person in Australia has to face their darkest moments alone
Getting help - I am feeling suicidal - please see https://www.lifeline.org.au/get-help/i-m-feeling-suicidal/
I am having a difficult time - please see https://toolkit.lifeline.org.au/
I am worried about someone - please see https://www.lifeline.org.au/get-help/i-m-worried-about-someone/
Information & Support - please see https://toolkit.lifeline.org.au/topics
Real experiences - please see https://www.lifeline.org.au/real-experiences/
Various fact sheets - please see https://www.lifeline.org.au/resources/fact-sheets/