Want to know how to use this platform?

This is just a guide but if a Mentee reaches out its good to structure the discussion asking perhaps the following questions:

  1. Start with "Hi ---- are you able to tell me a bit about yourself? "
  2. Click https://www.electricianxchange.com/electrician-apprentice-search and then press Ctrl F to bring up a search box in the top right corner. If you don't know how to - ask Ray on 0417442326. Type the Jobseeker's user name in the search box to bring up their work profile. Get a good sense of their background before moving forward. And if there isn't enough information populated by the mentee, ask them to create a fuller profile with more information added so you can guide them as best as possible based on that background you see of them. If they do not know how to ask them to reach out to Ray on 0417442326. 
  3. Then ask "What are you trying to achieve by being on this Mentoring module?" If its a specific question and within your experience you've encountered that same topic - give them a de-brief on your experience and how you handled that. Whether that worked or you'd recommend them trying something else in retrospect.
  4. Then ask "What do you see to be your main strengths?". If they can outline their main strengths - use that as a background to guide them moving forward. If not - ask them to keep a journal of what energises them each day or what causes them to smile (so what they enjoy) within a day as a daily journal for a few months. Within this journaling will be traits which highlight what their strengths are or what environments bring out the best in the Mentee.
  5. Then use this to guide them as best as you can given your own experiences.

Once this background and initial knowing of each other happens you should be ready to have a conversation with them - just be honest with your own journey and they can listen to this and determine if they take the same journey or use this to formulate their own journey based on your experiences.

Mentoring is not about preaching or converting someone to your way of thinking.

It is about laying out your experience and letting the Mentee determine their own journey based on the information they gather.


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